Earth Day – 36 Ways to Be a Good Steward of God’s Creation

Lots of people think that Christians don’t treat the Earth well. Quite honestly, I can see why they think that. There are many many Christians that exploit what God has given us rather than taking care of it. Now, none of us are perfect and we’ll mess up sometimes. If you evaluate your habits, where do you stand in terms of being a good steward of God’s creation?
Do you recycle or just throw everything in the garbage? If you already recycle at home, can you take it a step further and bring your recyclables home when you are out someplace with no recycling bin?
Do you use paper towels for everything or rags and dishtowels? What about cloth napkins? I started using cloth napkins a few years ago and it is so easy and they look way better.
Do you use toxic cleaning supplies or things with micro beads that end up in bodies of water or do you make more natural, plant-based choices?
Are you buying disposable plastic water bottles and tossing them? Or do you refill a reusable bottle?
Have you ever helped with clean-up efforts in a park, pond, sidewalk, etc? Is that someone else’s job?
These are just 5 of probably thousands (millions?) of things to think about when we are figuring out how to be good stewards of what God has given us. Don’t worry, there is a list of way more ideas below. I just wanted to get you thinking.

God’s Gift
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. – Genesis 1:1 (ESV) If your best friend gave you a gift that is worth more than anything else, you needed it to live each day and is beautiful, would you take care of it? I would think so. Why do so many of us take it for granted that God has given us this wonderful gift and don’t treat it well.
Many people think about profits over taking care of the earth. Others sometimes choose harming the earth over making life harder for themselves or others, even when there could be another option that hasn’t been presented yet. Still others just don’t think about the ramification of their actions or inactions. Personally, I mostly try to be a good steward of God’s creation but sometimes “can’t” because of finances or time or previous choices that I have made. There are absolutely times where I could make more of an effort or sacrifice more to take care of creation. We all mess up sometimes but I think we should also all try to improve.
Genesis tells us that God created the heavens and the earth, water, light, plants, animals, creatures and people. Genesis 1:28 says And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” God is giving us the great duty of caring for and being responsible for His creation. God was intentional about how he created Earth. I think that we should also be intentional in how we care for it.
The other factor is that when we aren’t taking care of the earth and the animals, we are also harming people. Maybe yourself and your neighbors and maybe not but people, that God created, are being harmed. Harmed with smog, toxins, unsafe living and/or working conditions, garbage all around them, unsafe water…
So, join me in taking step to be good stewards of His creation and use creation wisely to serve God and others. I know that sometimes it seems hard to take the extra steps to care for the Earth but it is worth it and once the new way becomes a habit, it isn’t so hard. (I think they say that if you do something for 21 days, it kind of sticks.)
36 Ways to Be a Good Steward
- Throw garbage in a garbage can and not out a window.
- If you don’t recycle, start. It made me happy at a birthday party today when there were two bins – one for recycling and one for garbage
- If you do recycle at home, start things when you are out even if it means carrying something around until you find a recycling bin or get home.
- Compost.
- Buy products with less (or no) packaging. Check out the zero waste movement to see how people live without creating any waste.
- Repurpose old clothes or dishtowels into rags.
- Use rags or other towels instead of paper towels.
- Use cloth napkins instead of paper.
- Buy products that are made sustainably.
- Use cleaning supplies that are plant based.
- Don’t buy things with micro beads.
- Use a reusable water bottle or just a glass.
- Buy clothes from thrift stores, consignment shops, online marketplaces or or other second hand stores that sell designer clothing (think Clothes Mentor or Plato’s Closet).
- Turn the thermostat up a little in the summer and down a little in the winter.
- Pick up garbage on your street or in your park.
- Turn off lights when you don’t need them.
- Go for a walk instead of watching TV.
- Let the dandelions live, they help the bees.
- Reuse jars for other storage or drinking. The shorter salsa jars are a good size for snacks.
- Use your own refillable coffee cup instead of the disposable ones. (They usually look nicer anyway.)
- Don’t use a straw or use a stainless steel one.
- Borrow books from the library or a friend or buy used instead of buying new.
- Buy from farmers who take care of their animals and soil.
- If you use something disposable, think of a reusable option.
- Use containers and/or reusable sandwich/snack bags instead of plastic baggies.
- Choose cloth diapers over disposable.
- Cloth wipes over disposable.
- “Family cloth” – meaning instead of toilet paper. How far are you willing to go? I’m not there yet.
- If you aren’t on board with family cloth, make the switch to sustainable toilet paper like Seventh Generation, Who Gives a Crap (get $10 off with this link), or Aria.
- Use sustainable toothbrushes. My husband and I use these but if you have more than one person using them in your house then I recommend finding some with different colored stripes or numbers on them or plan on labeling with a sharpie.
- Switch your electric supplier to one that uses sustainable energy.
- Walk, ride a bike or use public transportation if you can.
- Drive a more fuel efficient vehicle.
- Buy used furniture, toys, games when possible.
- Take a shorter shower to save water.
- Get paid to reduce your energy usage with OhmConnect (for PG&E, SCE & DSG&E customers).
Many of the examples above are also ways that are healthy options for yourself or can save you money. I’ve found that a lot of things go hand in hand that way. What are some ways that you care for the Earth and nature? Comment below to share your ideas.
God has entrusted us with being responsible for His creation. Let’s take care of it the way He would and show others that we aren’t lazy and it can be done. Pick 2 things you can try this week. Let me know what you pick and how it goes.