The Mission Field

“You must have been doing something right [as a parent] to raise pastors and missionaries.” The secular world might say, “You must have done something right to raise a doctor and a lawyer.” Is it wrong to raise business owners, electricians, plumbers, garbage collectors, music teachers, cafeteria workers, school bus drivers, sales associates, baristas, servers, cashiers, stay-at-home-parents?…I think you get the point. All of these people interact with other people every day, or at least almost every day. I think it would be right to say, “You must have done something right to raise your kids to be young adults who are on fire for Jesus and spread the Good News in all that they do and love others how Jesus loves others.”
“You must have done something right to raise your kids to be young adults who are on fire for Jesus and spread the Good News in all that they do and love others how Jesus loves others.”
When most people think of missionaries, they think of people who spend most of their time in another country helping and trying to reach people who don’t know Christ. What if I were to suggest that we all have a mission field? Maybe you already know that and maybe not. Even if you already know, a reminder never hurts. We interact with non-believers all the time. The UPS guy, coworkers, teammates, schoolmates, employees, the people at the grocery store, other parents in play group, your kids…
Working in a ministry position or as a cross-cultural missionary are not the right jobs for everyone. Those aren’t the only ways to work for His Kingdom. If we are living our lives in such a way that His light shines through us, others will want to know more about Him. We are called to share the Good News and it just makes sense to do that at our jobs, schools, volunteer positions and with our kids.
Take a few minutes and think about your job.
Who do you interact with? Who do you see daily, weekly, on occasion? A boss, coworkers, subordinates, clients, purchasers, vendors, recruiters, students, repair people?
Did your words and actions reflect Christ in your interactions with others? Did you have opportunities to go beyond the minimum to build relationships, show compassion, offer to pray? Did you take it?
It isn’t always easy and you definitely have to be cognizant of being appropriate but keep eternity in mind. Do you fear what people will think of you? I know that I do. Do you fear what God thinks of you? It really makes me think when I put it in perspective like that.
I want to challenge you to view your workplace and your home as your mission field.